ViaTRON has one of the largest Document Scanning Service Bureaus in North America with offices and on-site Silos across the world.
ViaTRON Document Scanning Services can digitize everything from Paper Documents to Large Format Drawings/Maps, Books, to Microfilm, Microfiche and Aperture cards.
ViaTRON can not only convert your historic documents, but can also take care of your day-forward Documents as well with daily, weekly, and monthly pickups.
Featuring industry leading technology from Kodak, Kofax, Captiva and others. ViaTRON scans well over 1,500 banker boxes a week of HR records, Accounting files, Client files, and more. ViaTRON has scanned billions of images.
Some key technology partners that help make ViaTRON a leading Service Bureau include Kodak, Kofax, Captiva, Contex, and Mekel.
ViaTRON can convert all your Documents and import them into any Solution, a few examples ViaTRON has worked with include:
- Laserfiche
- Hyland Onbase
- ImageNow (Formally Lexmark Perceptive)
- IBM Filenet
- Alfresco
- Oracle Stellent
- OpenText Documentum
- OpenTExt ApplicationXtender
- FileBound
- M-Files
- DocuWare
- Microsoft SharePoint
- Xerox DocuShare
- Hershey
- LibertyNet
- Questys
- Paperclip
- Digitech Systems
- Doxis4
- And many more...
Complimentary onsite Document Analysis and Sample Scans are always available. Contact us at 310-756-0607 or to schedule!